Since the ancient times the terracotta has been used for food cooking purposes. It is a natural material not containing harmful substances, and does not release any dust during the use, unlike concrete. It is an eco-friendly material, that maintains the heat with the highest efficacy and consequently with the least energy waste.
The “Forno del Nonno” born from the idea to transfer these values into an modern prebuilt product, accessible to everybody. All the oven shown in the catalogue are made by hand, brick after brick, according to a very original artisan process borrowed from tradition. The selection of the materials, the care of the executive details, the meticulous technical support, have made the Forno del Nonno a unique product in this category, which is well appreciated worldwide for over 15 years
The “Forno del Nonno” is handmade, brick after brick, according to principles of an ancient tradition.
The cotto is a natural material, which does not release harmful substances and guarantees to food a healthy room also at very high temperatures.
Terracotta guarantees to any food an even cooking and unique taste thanks to its ability to get in and out heat.
The “Forno del Nonno” if properly settled, can maintain the cooking temperature for almost three days!
Il Forno del Nonno di Marcello Becuzzi & C. S.A.S, VAT 02167460506
via Sicilia 60, località Perignano, 56035 Casciana Terme Lari, Pisa
phone: 0587 617667, email: info@ilfornodelnonno.it
Customer Service:
Marcello +39 329 2122867
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